The New Teams version (sometimes also called Teams 2.0) will become the new standard for Microsoft’s communication platform from July 1, 2024. On October 1, 2024, the Classical Teams client in the VDI context will reach its end of support and, according to the latest news, its end of availability date on July 1, 2025. These end dates have been adjusted several times in recent weeks.
Continue reading “Install new Microsoft Teams (version 2) in Citrix”Tag: Remote Desktop
WEM Administration Console – Part 2 (System Optimization, Policies & Profiles and Security)
Current version is Workspace Environment Management 2206.
In the following I will give an insight into the menu items System Optimization, Policies & Profiles and Security.
System Optimization
These settings are used to reduce resource usage on the host. They are used to free up resources and make them available for other applications, thereby increasing the user density per host.
While the System Optimization settings are machine-based and apply to all user sessions of a machine, the Process Optimization under CPU Management is user-based.
That is, when a process triggers CPU Spike Protection in user A’s session, the event is recorded and limited for user A only. When user B starts the same process, the behavior of process optimization is determined only by process triggers in user B’s session.
Continue reading “WEM Administration Console – Part 2 (System Optimization, Policies & Profiles and Security)”WEM Administration Console – Part 1 (Actions, Filters & Assignments)
Current version is Workspace Environment Management 2206.
Known problems
- When VUEMRSAV.exe is used to display results on actions applied through an action group for the current user, the Applied Actions tab may display the wrong source of actions. [WEM – 20002]
Installing Workspace Environment Management
Workspace Environment Management optimizes Citrix workers for the best possible performance (user density, logon time and application response time).
WEM is subject to the Current Release Lifecycle (Additional Component) and therefore there is no LTSR version of WEM available.
To use WEM, you must have an active Customer Success Services (CSS) for one of the following licenses:
- Citrix Virtual Apps Advanced
- Citrix Virtual Apps Premium
- Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Advanced
- Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Premium
- Citrix Workspace Premium
- Citrix Workspace Premium Plus
Technical Overview
Workspace Environment Management (WEM) is based on the following architecture:
Continue reading “Installing Workspace Environment Management”
Install Teams & OneDrive in Citrix (Machine-Based)
Update of the existing article to the latest requirements and features.
Microsoft Teams
User Based Microsoft Teams
The standard installation that the user can perform, e.g. via the Microsoft365 Apps portal, is a user-based installation. In the Citrix environment, this is only recommended for desktop operating systems (pooled or personal desktop).
A User-Based Installation can be detected very quickly in the User Profile, because data are then located under AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams.
This type of installation in a worker with server operating system has many cons:
- No control over the installed version
- Several different versions possible installed on the same worker
- Complete data (~1 GB) are in the user profile